Translation Translation

As a professional translation office, The T Works offers translation services for over 100 different language pairs. We translate individual documents, such as brochures or commercial contracts precisely and linguistically accurately. However, we also handle larger translations of complicated technical manuals and entire websites.
We use the newest software tools for our translations and check the quality using ten parameters, including typography and terminology consistency and a final proofreading. All texts undergo the "six-eye principal": When the translator, proofreader and project manager are happy with the final result, only then do we send you, our client, the translation. 

Of course, we always pay attention to a coherent localisation and the adaptation of websites to the target market, because translating is more than just transferring a source language to a target language. The target medium and software environment are also important. We are your partner when it comes to creating a smooth localisation when translating software, user interfaces or websites and data in nearly all formats. Our clients are not only small and medium-sized companies, but also global players.


Our offer
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